[The Effort of Startup 5-1] The land of‘Grab,Singapore…The shrine of Startup with capital, talents, network
Featuring the Startup Scene in Singapore and How KILSA – Market Entry Execution and Business Management Specialist creates integrated partnership platform to accelerate business in the S.E.A region!
Grateful to our partners: JustCo, EcoLabs Centre of Innovation for Energy, Eightwire
싱가포르의 시작 장면과 KILSA – 시장 진입 실행 및 비즈니스 관리 전문가가 통합 파트너십 플랫폼을 구축하여 S.E.A 에서 비즈니스를 가속화합니다!
Article extracted from Asian Daily Business – Asian Economy. Refer to English Transcript