
[Article] PSTI Meets Menpora, Agrees To Build Indonesian Football

PSTI Meets Menpora Amali (Ministry of Youth and Sports), Agrees To Build Indonesian Football


Featuring KILSA’s partner – PSTI (Indonesian National Team Supporters Association) introducing SSAKA, Korea’s No. 1 Soccer Ball manufacturer to the Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (Menpora) Zainudin Amali.

Present at the meeting were PSTI General Chair Ignatius Indro, Secretary-General Abe Tanditasik, PSTI Legal Head Hazmin Astaman, KILSA – SSAKA Korea’s representatives, Wisnu Nugroho and Abdul Rochim staff. Meanwhile, Menpora Amali was accompanied by the Deputy for Achievement Improvement of the Kemenpora Chandra Bhakti.

Menpora Amali said in this meeting, he and PSTI discussed efforts to advance football in Indonesia and sports. “We discussed the future of Indonesian football in particular and sports in general,” said Menpora Amali.

Menpora Amali also hoped that in the momentum of the Anniversary (HUT) of the All-Indonesian Football Association (PSSI) or the 92nd year of the Football Federation, there would be significant progress towards national football and better public support for national football.

In addition, in this meeting, Menpora Amali assessed that the presence of football supporters was very significant. Especially to talk to sports stakeholders. Because according to him, it is different to see sports from within or as administrators with people who are outside the sports management.

Menpora Amali emphasized that so far supporters have only been consumers. But now, with the existence of the Sports Law, supporters have become part of football. Currently, it is hoped that the Law on Sports will soon be made derivative rules, especially regarding supporters.

[su_quote class=”text3″ cite=”Minister of Youth and Sports Amali”] “Thank you PSTI General Chair and administrators. We will synergize for better football” [/su_quote]

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of PSTI Ignatius Indro expressed his appreciation and gratitude to Menpora Amali for taking the time to discuss with the PSTI management.

[su_quote class=”text3″ cite=”Ignatius Indro, Chairperson of PSTI”] “We, PSTI, are very happy to be accepted by Mr. Menpora and we give each other input on how football is especially related to the inclusion of supporters in the National Sports Law, hopefully this can be implemented,” he said.[/su_quote]

◆ Ignatius Indro, who is also the Head of the Public Relations Division of the University of 17 August 1945, Jakarta, said that his party welcomes the article that regulates supporters in Law No. 11 of 2022 concerning Sports. In addition, he also appreciated the Presidential Instruction No. 3 of 2019 concerning the Acceleration Development of National Football.

◆ KILSA, is the official appointed Overseas business development team and representative for SSAKA, South Korea’s Soccer Ball Manufacturer.

Article extracted from

PSTI Bertemu Menpora, Sepakat Bersama Membangun Sepak Bola Indonesia
